Finding your SureTrack Authorization Code

SureTrack (SureTrack Community) Authorization codes are 12 digit alpha-numeric codes (e.g. 123ABCAP4-US).

SureTrack Authorization Codes are provided at every software version update (e.g. every 6 months), and must entered each time in your Snap-on Profile Manager account to keep SureTrack active.

How you get your authorization code is dependent on how you update your tool:

If you have your sales representative update your tool, the authorization code is printed on your sales receipt.
If you perform your own software updates (via direct download to your tool), and you have an email address on file, the authorization code will be sent by email.

In either scenario, if you DO NOT receive an authorization code please contact customer service.

To activate SureTrack on your tool and your Snap-on Profile Manager account, see Adding your SureTrack Authorization Code to your Snap-on Profile Manager.